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Cremation Jewelry for Ashes: Benefits for the Whole Family

When a family loses a member, everyone is affected, from the oldest to the youngest, and even pets will feel the impact of grief. Loss creates a ripple effect through families, friend groups, and any close group of people. Family is also used broadly; many co-workers consider each other “family” after spending time together day in and day out for years. Chosen family are the people we choose to treat as family, perhaps even as substitutes or replacements. So, how do families grieve together? One way that many families and close groups of friends choose to honor the loss of a loved one is with cremation jewelry or keepsakes. Cremation, or memorial jewelry, is made to honor a beloved who has passed on, and many families find comfort in each member having a piece of jewelry and a final connection to their departed loved one. Let’s take a look at the benefits of cremation jewelry for the whole family.

many hands holding black stone heart

Everyone Connected Can Have a Piece

One of the benefits of cremation jewelry is that it connects everyone who is grieving. While the hole that the departed beloved left can never be filled, each person in the family having a piece of cremation jewelry honoring this loved one offers a tangible symbol of connection. There is a sense of inclusivity that comes when each member of a group carries a symbol of loss that not only unites but may also bring comfort. Grief is vast and terrible; the best we can hope for during loss is some comfort while remembering the one who’s passed. When the whole family has a piece of cremation jewelry honoring their departed family member, it’s a physical reminder that they are not alone in their grief.

There’s a Style and Use for Everyone

Cremation jewelry is incredibly versatile; there is a type and style for everyone in your family. Each piece doesn’t need to be the same in order for it to connect the family and honor the departed. Jewelry is deeply personal; it reflects personal tastes and preferences. Cremation jewelry is even more meaningful, so each family member's ability to choose a piece that’s right for them is essential.

When it comes to the style and type of jewelry, cremation necklaces, pendants, and bracelets are available. Pendants and necklaces can be anywhere on the masculine-to-feminine spectrum. Dog tags are popular, as are unisex vials, and of course, there are plenty of more traditionally feminine necklaces and pendants as well.

Additionally, there are different types of cremation jewelry. Not all cremation jewelry holds ashes, which some family members may prefer. Fingerprint jewelry is equally personalized and honoring as a necklace that holds ashes. Furthermore, engraving cremation jewelry also honors and offers remembrance to the departed loved one.

It Allows Each Family Member to Have Cremation Ashes

Unlike traditional, full-sized urns, cremation jewelry that holds ashes only uses a tiny amount of ash. Because cremation jewelry only takes a small amount of ash, someone else can have a larger urn with most of the remains. Or, if your family is scattering your loved one’s ashes or planting a memorial tree, the amount of ashes needed for jewelry is negligible in size, though not in impact.

You Don’t Need Ashes for Cremation Jewelry

Not all cremation jewelry is designed to hold ashes. Maybe your loved one didn’t want to be cremated, perhaps all of their ashes were scattered, or, quite commonly, you or members of your family may not want to have any cremation ashes. There’s no wrong way to choose the style of cremation jewelry except to go against what makes you comfortable. While people often have a change of heart around wearing or having cremation ashes after a loss, many people are not comforted by the thought. That is one of the best benefits of cremation jewelry; you can find a piece of jewelry that is significant to you and honors your loved one’s memory with or without ashes.

Two common styles of cremation jewelry that are equally significant as jewelry that holds ashes are fingerprint jewelry and engravable cremation jewelry.

Cremation Jewelry for Ashes from the Living Urn

The Living Urn specializes in unique and meaningful memorials for your loved one. They offer the nation’s #1 BioUrn, which helps you grow a memorial tree or an actual living urn from the cremated remains of a departed loved one. After seeing how meaningful their Living Urn planting system is to thousands of customers, the Living Urn expanded its offerings to include all kinds of cremation jewelry. Suppose you’re looking for jewelry that holds ashes, symbolic jewelry, birthstone jewelry, or fingerprint jewelry. In that case, you can find high-quality, handcrafted cremation jewelry in gold, silver, and stainless steel at the Living Urn.

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