I Want to Plant a Seasonal Tree Now, But Spring Shipping Has Ended – What Do I Do?
The Living Urn® has been used by thousands of families throughout the United States to grow beautiful living memory trees. It is unique for a number of reasons, and one important reason is that it is the only BioUrn® designed to be used with seedlings or small trees, and not seeds. Most families simply select a tree from The Living Urn® website, or choose from a list displayed at their local funeral home. The baby tree is then shipped directly from the Arbor Day Foundation, our exclusive tree supplier, at a great time to plant in early Spring or Fall. By following the instructions provided, the family then plants the tree with our special bio urn containing their loved one’s ashes and our proprietary additives.
Why do you only ship 'Seasonal' trees in early Spring and in the Fall? The premium 'Seasonal' trees provided by the Arbor Day Foundation are considered “bare root” trees, meaning they are prepped for shipping when in a dormant (“sleeping”) state and all of the soil is removed from the roots. Bare Root trees have some great advantages, but one limitation is that they need to be shipped and planted when they are dormant (“sleeping”). For this reason, we stop shipping in mid to late Spring as the trees begin to “wake up” and it is no longer safe to ship. The Arbor Day Foundation begins shipping again in the Fall once the weather cools down.
Is it ok to plant a ‘Seasonal’ tree in the late Spring, early Summer and early Fall? Yes! It is perfectly fine to plant at this time, just not bare root trees.
Ok, so what do I do to plant a ‘Seasonal’ tree with The Living Urn now? We have a convenient and easy solution for you and have developed an option just for this situation…
- Simply order The Living Urn System Only product, which comes with everything you need, except the tree;
- Next, visit your local nursery and pick up the tree of your choice in a small pot. These trees are not “bare root”, and are “awake” and growing in the soil in the pot. Since they are in the growing medium, they can be safely transplanted even though they are “awake”;
- Then, follow the clear and simple instructions we provide on how to plant these trees with The Living Urn® and your loved one’s cremated remains to grow a living memory!
- You can plant any size tree with The Living Urn®, but trees in 3 to 5-gallon pot are a good choice and are of the size comparable to what you would receive from us in the Spring or Fall (and reasonably priced!). The Living Urn System Only is less expensive since it doesn’t come with a tree and the difference in price should cover or be close to covering the tree you pick up locally (depending on the tree size and your nursery).
- We Can Help Find You a Great Local Tree at No Cost to You! We just launched our Tree Help Program to assist customers in easily finding a great seasonal tree in your area during the periods when we do not ship. As part of our Tree Help Program, we have compiled a list of excellent nurseries throughout the U.S. and can help you find the tree you want, when you want it locally. This is a completely complimentary service to our customers. Just give our Tree Help Line call at (800) 495-7022, ext. 705, or email us at localtrees@thelivingurn.com and let us know the tree type(s) you’re interested in and where you are located. Our dedicated staff will then help find you a great tree to pick up locally to plant with The Living Urn®!