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hand dropping ashes at the beach

Why Do People Scatter Ashes? The Unique Symbolism of Ash Scattering

People worldwide scatter ashes instead of other forms of remembrance for various reasons: religion, cost, symbolism, and even just to have a place to reflect and remember a loved one. Regardless of the reason, scattering ashes is a solemn yet honoring act that symbolizes many things.

animation couple scattering ashes at a tree

Scattering Ashes Meaning and Symbolism

People scatter their loved one's ashes for many reasons, but one of the main ones is what it represents and what it can symbolize to them, their family, and their friends. People choose to scatter ashes for many reasons, but most of all, scattering ashes provides a way to say goodbye, maintain a connection, and honor the deceased. The symbolism of scattering ashes is deeply personal and varies based on beliefs and culture.

  • Infinity

Water represents infinity as it goes through the never-ending water cycle, hence scattering ashes. Water, with the water cycle, has long been seen as a symbol of eternity and infinity. This never-ending cycle often symbolizes reincarnation and the soul's journey. Scattering ashes into the water is seen as sending them into this never-ending cycle, essentially making it so they’re always with you.

  • Sacrifice

Scattering ashes can be viewed as a sacrifice in the sense that you are giving away the remains of your loved one and moving onward, symbolizing letting go figuratively and literally. The act of giving up your loved ones remains is a difficult and scary concept; it takes a great deal of bravery to give up that reminder of who they once were.

  • Sowing of Seeds

Scattering ashes can also symbolize new beginnings and the sowing of seeds, especially when dispersed in nature. The ashes become integrated into the ecosystem and enter into the cycle of nature. This process can be seen as a metaphor for the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, offering comfort and solace to those who are grieving.

  • Comforting

Knowing where a loved one's ashes were scattered provides comfort and closure, offering a physical place for remembrance and mourning. Scattering ashes can be a meaningful farewell that honors the deceased's wishes and allows loved ones to participate, fostering peace during difficult times. Choosing a significant location can further personalize the experience and create a lasting connection.

  • Personalization

Scattering Ashes is a deeply personal act. By scattering those ashes, you are permanently laying your loved one to rest in a place that has deep meaning to you and them. When scattering ashes, you get to say a final goodbye and immortalize their presence in that area, cementing it as a place of remembrance.

  • Religion

The act of scattering ashes has deep roots in many widely practiced religions worldwide, such as Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, scattering ashes throughout the water is a crucial ritual that helps guide the soul toward peace and spiritual freedom. Similarly, in Buddhism, scattering ashes throughout nature or water is used to honor the deceased and return them to the infinite cycle of nature.

Explore Scattering Urn Options from The Living Urn

The Living Urn offers a variety of eco-friendly scattering urns that you can use to honor your family, traditions, deceased loved ones, and nature. The Living Urn has an urn for every occasion and memorial type, ensuring that your loved one is shown the honor and respect they deserve no matter what route you choose.

  • Eco Scattering Urn: This urn is beautiful, easy to use, and made from bamboo and other eco-friendly materials. Its design maintains its function while retaining its beauty and symbolism. 


  • Eco Water Urn: The Eco Water Urn is a great way to scatter your loved one's ashes throughout the water while maintaining an air of honor and elegance. Once placed in the body of water, the urn will float, with the bottom starting to give way, elegantly scattering your loved one's ashes throughout the water.


  • Simplicity Scattering Urn: This urn is a recycled paper tube that you can use to scatter your loved one’s ashes. Although the design may be simplistic, this urn offers a sense of security, knowing your deceased loved one’s ashes are secure until it is time to scatter them.

With the Living Urn, you can be confident in the security and safety of your loved one's ashes. Our urns provide secure and safe containers to transport your loved one's ashes to their final resting place. The scattering of ashes is a deeply personal and symbolic act that can hold various meanings for different individuals and cultures. It can represent infinity, sacrifice, the sowing of seeds, comfort, personalization, and religious beliefs. When choosing to scatter ashes, it's essential to consider the significance of the location and the symbolism it holds for the deceased and their loved ones.

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