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Tree Burial Next to a Lake

Pre Planning Funeral Options: How to Pre Plan a Tree Burial

Why Preplan a Tree Burial?

It is never too early to plan for what happens next. The more prepared you are, the better off your loved ones will be. With The Living Urn®, you can plan a beautiful tree memorial that gives back to the earth. It will be a place your family and friends can visit and celebrate your life and the beauty that was created. Pre-Plan your memorial with The Living Urn® and know that when you pass, beauty will grow from a bio urn containing your ashes and be a constant reminder of you.

The Living Urn® Pre-Planning Program is an affordable choice that removes some of the painstaking steps that come with planning a funeral and memorial at the time of ones passing. The Living Urn® makes easy on family and the Memory Tree will be something they will remember you by for years to come. Losing you is not going to be easy for your loved ones, but they will appreciate the plans that you have set in motion.

How to Share your Tree Burial Plans with your Loved One?

Sharing your plans with your loved ones can be difficult, but when you plan with The Living Urn® things are far less stressful. The Living Urn® Pre-Planning Program helps you and your family when the time comes. Included with The Living Urn® is everything needed to grow a beautiful tree memorial, including the patent pending bio-urn, RootProtect®, a proprietary ash neutralizing agent, aged wood chips, planting instructions, a voucher card to select a 2-4’ tree seedling, and comes packaged in a beautiful eco-friendly bamboo container. After your decision and purchase is made, you don’t have to worry about additional memorial costs beyond the cremation itself. A family member will simply take the bio urn to the funeral home and have them place your ashes in the urn, then take it to a place of planting and follow the simple instructions provided to plant the urn containing your ashes with the 2-4’ tree seedling and grow a beautiful memorial!

With The Living Urn®, many people also plan ahead on where their Memory Tree will be planted - in the yard of a family member or friend, at a church, in a park (with permission), etc. If you are interested in Pre-Planning your memorial with The Living Urn®, but don’t have a place to plant your Memory Tree, give us a call at (800) 495-7022 ext. 0 or visit to find a Memory Forest™ location near you. Memory Forests™ are permanent resting places where a Living Urn® can be planted and where the Memory Tree will be cared for. Family and friends can visit your tree memorial at the Memory Forest™ and reflect on the memories shared and life lived. There are currently over 30 Memory Forest™ locations nationwide, and that number is expected to double by early next year.

The Living Urn Pre-Planning Program is currently on special for $129 (regular price of $149). Click here to learn more or to place an order.

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