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Which Tree Should I Plant to Honor My Loved One's Ashes?

Choosing a tree for your Living Urn is an important decision. You want to choose a tree that will naturally thrive in your location and represent the beautiful person you’ve lost. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the practical and meaningful decisions you face as you choose a beautiful tree for your Living Urn! 

sun shinning through willow tree

Choosing the Best Cremation Trees for Your Area

While several species of trees are quite hardy, some may have difficulty thriving in certain regions. The Living Urn makes finding the right trees for your sacred memorial easy. Simply enter your zip code, and only trees rated for your area’s hardiness zone will be displayed.

Understanding Hardiness Zones for Cremation Trees

It’s imperative that you only plant a tree that is rated for your location’s hardiness zone. This will help to ensure that your tree will thrive when planted. Trees planted outside their hardiness zones will likely be unable to tolerate the temperature range and are much more likely to die. With over fifty species of trees and shrubs available in our award-winning nursery, you’ll be able to find several trees for your hardiness zone.

growing zones

These zones are rated by measuring the average minimum temperature in different areas of the U.S. The lower the number, the lower the temperature in that zone. For example, zone 1 is rated for -50 degrees Fahrenheit. There are 11 hardiness zones in the US.

Top Tree Choices for Growth Zone 1: Extreme Cold

Northern Canada is the Tundra Zone! Chances are you don’t live here. If you do, consider an indoor urn. You can still honor your loved one with a wide range of houseplants.

growing zone 1

This zone’s minimum average temperature is -50 to -60 degrees Fahrenheit. Gardeners in zone one need to be almost as tough as their plants, which are able to withstand temperatures of up to -60 Fahrenheit. The temperatures are unforgivable in the lower zones, and it’s important to choose a plant suited to this area. Here are a few trees suited to zone 1:

Quaking Aspen: The quaking aspen tree is stunning and tolerates extremely cold temperatures well.

Dwarf Birch: The dwarf birch can withstand devastating cold temperatures, but make sure your tree is rated for zone 1 because some dwarf birches have a higher rating. This hearty tree is mainly found in areas of the world with tundra.

Net-Leaf Willow: Also known as the snow willow, this tree is native to the colder parts of the world, including Europe, North America, and Northern Asia.

    Best Trees for Growth Zone 2: Harsh Winters

    Central and Northern Canada and part of Alaska: Similar to Zone 1, you probably don't live here either, and it's very cold.

    growing zone 2

    This zone’s minimum average temperature is -40 to -50 degrees Fahrenheit. It also requires very sturdy trees that can withstand these extreme temperatures. For example, traditional fruit trees won’t grow in this zone; it’s far too cold for them. Here are some examples of trees that can tolerate zone 2:

    Birch Trees: The paper birch is a vital, quickly growing tree that can easily tolerate areas with a lot of snow. These trees grow in a variety of soil types and are gorgeous year-round.

    Balsam Poplar: This tall, gorgeous tree enjoys full sun and moist, rich soil. It flowers in April and May, producing red flowers in cone-shaped clumps. Balsam poplars also prevent soil erosion and can clean (remediate) contaminated soil.

    White Willow: This stunning tree likes full sun but can tolerate partial shade and does well in loamy soil. Wildlife of all kinds love willow trees, and they are particularly helpful with soil erosion issues.

      Resilient Trees for Growth Zone 3

      Parts of Northern North Dakota, Northern Minnesota, and Northeast Montana: It's usually quite cold here!

      growing zone 3

      This zone’s minimum average temperature is -30 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit. While zone 3’s temperatures are mild compared to zones 1 and 2, zone 3 trees still need to be tough and resilient. Here are two examples of trees that can grow and thrive in zone 3:

      Ginkgo biloba: This gorgeous, large tree grows to an impressive 50-75 feet tall. It prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade.

      Sugar Maple: The sugar maple grows to 50-80 feet tall and enjoys full sun to partial shade. This tree’s sap is used to make maple syrup.

        Ideal Trees for Growth Zone 4

        Upper Midwest, Northern Minnesota, Montana, and parts of Maine

        growing zone 4

        Although still a very cold region, this area can experience milder Spring, Summer, and Fall Seasons! This zone’s minimum average temperature is -20 to -30 degrees Fahrenheit. It still requires trees that can tolerate extreme cold.

        Evergreen Trees: Evergreens like the Colorado blue spruce do well with zone 4’s cold temperatures. A spruce tree can fill your yard with beautiful colors. A pine tree is lovely year-round and will fill your yard with fragrance.

        Tulip Tree: This gorgeous shade tree blossoms once a year with bright, tulip-shaped blooms. It is part of the magnolia family of trees. Make sure you have plenty of space because this tree can grow over 100 feet!

          Popular Cremation Trees for Growth Zone 5

          Upper Midwest, New England, and parts of Colorado

          growing zone 5

          This zone’s minimum average temperature is -10 to -20 degrees Fahrenheit. With less extreme temperatures, choices abound in zone 5. Here are two standouts:

          Red Maple: This gorgeous tree is one of the most popular trees planted with The Living Urn, and for good reason! It's known for its beautiful autumnal spread of yellow and orange. It is a highly adaptable tree that can grow and thrive in a variety of climates and soil types.

          Northern Red Oak: This beautiful tree is considered a national treasure. It is one of the stateliest and cleanest trees in the U.S. It's a fast-growing oak that shows off brilliant red fall colors.

          Recommended Trees for Growth Zone 6

            Midwest and Northeast: One of the most populated zones!

            growing zone 6

            This zone’s minimum average temperature is 0 to -10 degrees Fahrenheit. While you have more selection in zone 6, trees still need to be able to tolerate below-freezing temperatures. Here are two great options in this zone:

            Weeping Willow: This beautiful, large, peaceful tree has slender leaves and giant, ground-sweeping branches. It can be a great centerpiece in any medium or large yard and is one of the most popular trees planted with The Living Urn. This gorgeous tree is dramatic in its appearance—few trees offer such grace to the landscape!

            Bald Cypress: Though this tree is native to southern swamps, it can handle northern cold with ease. A tall tree ranging in height from 50 to 70 feet, the bald cypress is a deciduous conifer with soft needles that turn orange and fall off in autumn.

              Tree Options for Growth Zone 7

              New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Southern Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, etc.

              growing zone 7

              This zone’s minimum average temperature is 10 to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The mild temperatures of zone 7 mean that you’ll see more fruit trees and flowering trees available!

              Pink Dogwood: This special tree is a beautiful showstopper wherever it’s planted. With its gorgeous pink blooms and a naturally appealing shape, this is a lovely tree year-round.

              Flowering Cherry Trees: With their brilliant flowers in the Spring, the flowering cherry is a great addition to any landscape and an extremely popular tree in Growing Zone 7. Choose from Kwanzan, Yoshino, Akebono, Autumnalis, and Okame, among many others!

                Memorial Trees for Growth Zone 8

                Most of Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and parts of the Pacific Northwest and California

                growing zone 8

                This zone’s minimum average temperature is 20 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit. While frost-sensitive trees can’t tolerate zone 8, there is a wide range of cold, hardy trees that can. Here are two examples:

                Crape Myrtle: These beautiful, smaller trees come in different varieties, all of them glorious (including pink, purple, white, red, etc.). They add visual appeal year-round and are fast-growing!

                Rose of Sharon: a stunning flowering shrub that can add an element of beauty to any landscape. With multiple varieties, you can choose one that suits you best!

                  Trees That Thrive in Growth Zone 9

                  Southern Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and parts of California and Arizona

                  growing zone 9

                  This zone’s minimum average temperature is 30 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. This is an easy zone to grow trees in, though you still need to be aware of frost sensitivity. Here are two trees that thrive in growing zone 9:

                  Southern Magnolia: It’s known for its large creamy white flowers that can grow up to a foot in diameter. Southern magnolia’s stunning blooms arrive in May until June and release a sweet scent. It has glossy green leaves with a reddish-brown color underside—a favorite of birds, rabbits, and squirrels!

                  Willow Oak: A member of the red oak family of trees, this beautiful species serves as a great shade tree. Its leaves change from light green in the Spring to a darker green in the Summer and then yellow and red in the Fall. The acorns from the Willow Oak are a great food for wildlife.

                    Tree Recommendations for Growth Zone 10

                    Southern Florida and parts of Arizona and Southern California - this is where it's hot!

                    growing zone 10

                    This zone’s minimum average temperature is 40 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Since we are in warmer climates in zone 10, frost-sensitive trees and shrubs can be planted here.

                    Citrus trees are beautiful, fragrant, and tasty trees. Citrus blossoms will perfume your yard (and heart), and you’ll enjoy a bounty of fresh fruit each year.

                    Gardenias: This hardy evergreen shrub presents shiny dark green leaves and elegant white flowers and is a wonderful addition to any garden or yard. It is highly fragrant and provides an amazing scent that is hard to forget once experienced.

                      Tropical and Exotic Trees for Growth Zone 11

                      Hawaii, Florida Keys, and Puerto Rico

                      growing zone 11

                      This zone’s minimum average temperature is 50 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the warmest zone in the United States and offers many plants, including tropical ones, to choose from. Here are two growing zone 11 trees to consider:

                      Weeping Bottle Brush: This plant can turn shrub-like without pruning, so take care. Once a year, its draping limbs will be covered in soft, red, bottle-shaped blossoms.

                      Canary Island Pine: This is a big tree, so make sure you have the room before planting it. The Canary Island pine has beautiful needles that are very long and hang downwards. It also features red bark, making it an aesthetically pleasing tree.

                        How to Choose the Right Memorial Tree

                        how to choose the right tree for a burial

                        Once the practicalities (growing zones, suitable size) are decided, the question becomes, “What tree will best represent the person I loved?” We’ll explore three different ways to choose the right tree for your Living Urn, starting with the most practical and moving on to the more esoteric.

                        Tree Size and Planting Space Considerations

                        Next to choosing for your hardiness zone, choosing where to plant is the most important choice you’ll make when planting your living urn. Planting your living urn tree in the right place where it has plenty of room to grow will help ensure a healthy tree, as well as prevent damage to any structures like your home. Depending on your tree’s size, it’s also important to consider placement for things like shade during the summer and warmth during the winter. Here is a basic tree spacing guide.

                        Tree Size

                        Minimum spacing needed from the wall of a single story building

                        Minimum spacing needed from the corner of a single story building

                        Small (30’ in height or less)

                        8-10 feet

                        6-8 feet

                        Medium (30-70’ in height)

                        15 feet

                        12 feet

                        Large (70’+ in height)

                        20 feet

                        15 feet

                        If your home doesn’t have the space for the tree you want, you can always consider planting in a cemetery, a Memory Forest, or another larger location.

                        Unique Memory Tree Types and Their Attributes

                        Trees have different physical attributes that can enhance your Living Urn. It’s also important to remember that there is ultimately no wrong choice for your loving tribute; any tree that will thrive will make an excellent Living Urn.

                        Flowering Trees: Flowering trees offer a lot as Living Urns. They are beautiful when in bloom, comforting the heart and soul. Perhaps your departed loved one adored flowers, or perhaps you chose a tree whose blossoms are your loved one’s favorite color.

                        Fruiting Trees: If you want to be more actively involved with your Living Urn, choose a fruiting tree. Perhaps your loved one was an amazing baker famous for their apple pie. Planting an apple tree would be a beautiful way to remember them. Baking apple pies with apples from your loved one’s Living Urn tree could become a yearly ritual. Even if there isn’t a specific fruit memory, fruit trees offer the opportunity to bring loved ones together to participate in the harvest and remember their departed beloved.

                        Shade Trees: While shade trees are more hands-off than fruit trees, their impact is just as palpable. A shade tree offers comfort and reduces energy bills. It is also the perfect way to remember that special someone who was always helping in the background or had a comforting shoulder to offer. For families who love to be outside, a shade tree is the perfect way to keep a departed loved one close by and part of the family activities.

                        Evergreen Trees: While trees that follow the seasons with shedding leaves represent the continuous cycle of life and death, evergreen trees represent the immortality of the human soul. They keep their beautiful needles, green and fresh, year-round, unmoved by cold or heat. Planting an evergreen Living Urn is a beautiful symbol of the hope of life after death.

                          Best Trees to Plant in Memory of Someone

                          When you’ve determined your growth zone and the amount of space you have to plant, it’s time to look at which tree is right to honor your departed loved one. Trees have symbolized different qualities and emotions across human culture.

                          celtic tree astrology

                          Choosing a Tree Based on Symbolism and Meaning

                          The ancient Celts had a deep respect and reverence for trees and imbued different trees with symbolism and meaning. Like Western astrology, the Celts associated a different tree or plant with different times of the year. We’ll discuss the trees covered in Celtic astrology. This can be a fun and meaningful way to choose a tree for your living urn. You could choose based on when your loved one was born or simply choose the tree and characteristics that best suit them. (Some birth dates will not be mentioned since they are associated with plants that aren’t trees.)

                          Birch Memorial Tree: The Achiever

                          December 24th – January 20th: Birch trees are stunning, small to medium-sized trees with great visual appeal. The river birch is lovely year-round with its unique, shaggy, cream-colored bark that is a feature of many birch trees. While they are common choices in many landscaping schemes, be aware that these are relatively short-lived trees for hardwood. Those born under the birch sign reflect the natural tenacity and resilience of the tree they’re named for. Natural-born leaders, birch take center stage with ease. Even-keeled and steady, other people are naturally drawn to their leadership.

                          Rowan Memorial Tree: The Thinker

                          January 21st – February 17th: Rowan trees are small and can become shrub-like depending on the species and how it’s cared for. This deeply sacred tree is rooted in Celtic mythology and is thought to have a protective nature. It’s a fast-growing tree and produces bright red berries at the end of summer. The rowan sign is the philosopher of the Celtic zodiac. They usually have sharp minds and are visionary in their thinking. In fact, rowan’s thinking can be so original that others find it difficult to understand. Their outer cool, intellectual face conceals a passionate nature.

                          Ash Memorial Tree: The Enchanter

                          February 18th - March 17th: There are many types of ash trees, and they are all large and stately. Ash trees are generally medium to large in size and are, unfortunately, vulnerable to the emerald ash borer. However, they do make wonderful shade trees and add to any landscape. Because of its many types, there is likely an ash tree suited to your region, though be sure to check on the status of the emerald ash borer before planting. The ash sign is usually thought of as an innovative, free thinker. Often artists, these signs are deeply in touch with their imagination and intuitive natures. Their moods, like their inner landscape, are constantly in motion, though ash signs have the ability to enchant people with their warm, sensitive, and insightful natures.

                          Alder Memorial Tree: The Trailblazer

                          March 18th – April 14th: There are many types of alder trees, and they can be difficult to source at your local nursery. They do well in areas without regular maintenance because they don’t require nitrogen fertilizer. They also do well with variable moisture levels and are beautiful trees that offer wonderful shade and privacy. Alders produce a fruit called strobile, which is food for wildlife. The alder sign knows how to blaze a trail to where they want to go. If you know anyone you’d call a mover and a shaker, these are likely alders. These signs are personable, friendly, and warm. They can be very social since they get along with everyone because of their confidence and self-assurance.

                          Willow Memorial Tree: The Observer

                          April 15th – May 12th: The weeping willow is not only a stunningly beautiful tree, but it also makes a wonderful Living Urn. As the name suggests, the tree looks like it’s weeping, which can represent the deep grief you’re encountering. They grow well next to water, which can be a comforting spot in times of sorrow. They’re also loved by birds and wildlife, symbolizing the generous nature of your departed loved one. Willow signs are quite intelligent, creative, and empathetic. They naturally tune into people and situations with a keen eye for cutting through the superficial. A willow’s sharp mind is always gathering information and can be counted on to know something about almost everything.

                          Hawthorn Memorial Tree: The Illusionist

                          May 13th – June 9th: Planted for its beauty, this showy tree is at its best in summer and winter. In the late spring and summer, it will be covered with fragrant white blossoms, and in the winter, it produces vibrant red berries that will attract hungry wildlife to your yard. Its leaves are a deep purple-red and will change to deep green in the summer. Holly signs tend to have defined facets or different faces and are known for their fierce passion. Never judge a Hawthorn based on a first impression; they’ll likely surprise you. Hawthorns are adaptable, curious, and have a broad range of interests. They’re also likely to lend a listening ear to their friends and family.

                          Oak Memorial Tree: The Stabilizer

                          June 10th – July 7th: One of the wonderful things about oak trees is that there are a variety of species to suit almost any yard. These stately trees have represented strength and power across cultures for centuries and make long-lived and meaningful memorials. The oak sign is associated with strength and power. Oak people are also nurturing, generous, and always ready to lend a helping hand. Known for their easy confidence and optimism, these people enjoy structure and order in their lives.

                          Holly Memorial Tree: The Ruler

                          July 8th- August 4th: The American holly tree is a gorgeous flowering tree with uniquely serrated light green leaves and bright red berries. Holly is an evergreen tree that offers a refreshing scent in the springtime and blooms with small green and off-white flowers. The Holly sign is regal, noble, and lovingly high-minded. People born under this sign often find themselves in positions of leadership. Hollys are very determined and known for overcoming obstacles. They are also quite intelligent.

                          Elderberry Memorial Tree: The Seeker

                          November 25th - December 23rd: This shrub/tree is a beautiful, giving plant. Revered by herbalists across cultures, its berries are delicious and offer potent immune system support. Elderberry is a wonderful tree to plant in honor of someone who loved herbs and natural healing. In Celtic astrology, the Elderberry sign is known as the thrill seeker and might have a wild history. They tend to move very quickly and speak honestly but with good intentions. Elderberries want to be helpful and try to be considerate of others.

                          Planting Ashes with a Tree: How The Living Urn Makes It Easy

                          The Living Urn’s mission is to help grieving families honor their loved ones with a memorial tree planted and grown with cremation ashes. With the Living Urn’s patented bio urn planting system, it’s easy to grow a healthy tree, creating a true Living Urn that holds and honors your loved one while providing solace and comfort during grief. Visit our store today to explore beautiful memorial trees for your region!

                          Previous article The Cost of Cremation in New York