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The Majestic Red Maple

The Majestic Red Maple

The majestic Red Maple is one of the best named trees as it features something red in each of the seasons - red buds in winter, red flowers in spring, red leafstalks in summer, and brilliant red foliage in autumn.This pageant of color, along with the Red Maple's relatively fast growth and tolerance to a wide range of soils, makes it a widely planted favorite!


The fruits, known as samaras are loved by squirrels. Rabbits and deer also eat the tender shoots and leaves of red maples.

Quirky Facts

The Red Maple has the greatest north-south range of any tree species living entirely in the eastern forests (from Newfoundland to southern Florida!). It is also the state tree of Rhode Island. The nation's largest Red Maple lies far to the south of Rhode Island in Great Smokey Mountains National Park – its over 141 feet tall!

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