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bio urn as a gift

Gifting a Bio Urn: Give the Gift of Life

When a friend has a family member or pet pass it can be a challenge to find words to express sympathy. Some people will call or see the friend in person and say something simple such as “I’m sorry for your loss” or another short saying, others will give a hug, and some will provide a sympathy card with a message inside. Another common gesture is to provide meals for the family or even provide a gift. Gifting things to a friend or family who just lost a loved one is becoming more and more common. This can include flowers, a donation to a charity that is meaningful to the person who passed or their family, a monetary gift to help pay for funeral expenses or medical bills, or even directly providing the casket or gifting a cremation urn.

Gifting The Living Urn®

gifting bio urn

The Living Urn is a patented tree urn and planting system designed to grow a living memorial. Tens of thousands of living urns have been planted worldwide, honoring loved ones who passed and providing a living memorial that families can visit for generations. With its growing popularity, the team at The Living Urn receives frequent calls from people looking to order this special bio urn as a gift for a friend or other family member. When it is being sent as a gift, The Living Urn’s production team can include a handwritten card in the shipment with a personalized message to the recipient.

The decision to gift a Living Urn can be because it’s something that you know your friend or their family is interested in, or something that is simply offered as a kind gesture during their time of grief.

Family Receiving Gift is Interested in The Living Urn®

If the gift is something the family is interested in, it can be a great way to take the financial burden off of their shoulders and provide something meaningful that you know they will be excited about. At the time of ordering, you can elect to include a tree voucher so they can contact The Living Urn and select their tree of choice at no additional charge (as it’s already paid for). You can also gift The Living Urn without a tree, where the recipient can simply pick up their tree or shrub of choice from their local nursery and follow the instructions provided to plant with The Living Urn.

Family Receiving Gift is Not Expecting It

Since a bio urn is a relatively new concept, the family may not be aware of this memorial option. In this case, such a gift will open them up to the idea and provide a memorial option that they can truly enjoy. Since The Living Urn can be used with as little or as much as one set of ashes, they can elect to use all of their loved one’s ashes or even just a very small portion in the memorial. Alternatively, if they have another idea for their loved one’s ashes, they can even elect to simply grow the tree without ashes and have a living memorial tree present in honor of their loved one that they can enjoy for many years to come.

Pooling Funds for the Gift

Group buying, also known as group funding or crowdfunding, has been around for years. Many people use group buying campaigns to help pay for medical expenses, worthy causes, and so on. However common in other areas of life, this is fairly new to the cremation urn market. The Living Urn will soon be including a group funding option to make it easy on people to aggregate the funds necessary to order a bio urn and planting system for a friend or family! It will allow for different people to pitch in and make it easy on them to jointly pay for The Living Urn as a gift. This makes it affordable for people to come together and provide a meaningful memorial for their friend's lost loved one.

Pet Version of The Living Urn®

Pets are family. These beloved four-legged friends are special and many people experience significant grief upon their passing. For this reason, Living Urn also accommodates special requests for gifts for pet parents. By gifting a Living Urn bio urn for pets, the recipient can have the joy of planting a tree with their beloved pet’s cremated ashes and have a dignified living memorial in their honor. Alternatively, if the person who receives the gift decides not to cremate their pet or has other memorial ideas for their pet’s ashes, they can simply plant it as a memory tree without including any of their pet’s ashes.

Additional Reasons Why Gifting a Living Urn Makes Sense

When a friend loses a loved one or pet there are many different things you can do for them or gifts you can give. The Living Urn’s gift program presents a unique memorable option to provide to your friend or a family member. He or she can choose to plant this right away with all or some of the ashes, or as a memory tree with no ashes at all. In addition, because The Living Urn has no expiration and doesn’t biodegrade until after it’s planted, it can be kept for as long as they wish until they are ready to plant!

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