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Urn Engraving Ideas: What to Engrave on Your Loved One’s Urn

Urn Engraving Ideas: What to Engrave on Your Loved One’s Urn

Engraving a loved one’s urn is a common way to personalize this important memorial item. How you memorialize a loved one’s urn is a very personal decision. Similar to the choice of an urn, there’s no wrong way to engrave an urn. If you’re wondering what to engrave on an urn, below we provide ideas for urn engraving, the standard ways to engrave an urn, and sentiments you could choose to have engraved.

Urn Engraving Considerations

engraved urns

Here are a few things to consider when engraving your loved one’s urn.

  • Space - the most significant thing to consider is space. Many urns have a limited amount of space available for engravings. This means that you need to prioritize what you want on the urn. For example, you may be unable to engrave a poem and a bible verse.
  • Format - another consideration people run into when engraving an urn is the format and the order for the birth and death dates, name, and sentiment. How exactly does it go? And what’s the correct way to do this? These are common questions people have in your situation, so we’ll go over formats in the next section.
  • Image - do you want an image on your urn? Many urn companies offer image engraving as part of their engraving services, though it is rarely custom.
  • Middle Name - will you include your loved one’s middle name or a nickname on the urn? With middle names, you can use the first letter or spell it out.

Common Urn Inscriptions

engraved urns

Here are some urn inscription ideas, including the standard urn engraving format.

“In Loving Memory

 Jane Smith

 January 1, 1943 – September 30, 2023”

This is the most basic, standard format. Notice the opening sentiment and the date format. Here are some alternative openers:

  • “In Loving Memory Of….”
  • “In Memorium”
  • “In Fondest Memory Of….”
  • “In Remembrance”
  • “In Treasured Memory Of…”
  • “In Honored Memory Of…”
  • “Happy Memories Of…”
  • “In Cherished Memory Of….”
If you want to shorten the date, other formats include:
  • 1/1/1943 - 09/30/2023
  • 01.01.1943 - 09.30.2023
  • 1943 – 2023

You may also be asked to include a short sentiment under the dates, usually less than 20 words. For example, “Faithful Wife, Loving Mother” is common. Others include:

  • Loving Father/Mother, husband/wife, brother/sister, and friend
  • Faithful and Loving Husband [Wife]
  • In Loving Memory
  • Until We Meet Again
  • Forever Loved
  • Always in Our Hearts
  • Rest in Peace
  • Sadly Missed, Lovingly Remembered
  • Forever Remembered
  • Asleep in Jesus
  • He, Being Dead, Yet Speaketh. –Hebrews 11:4
  • Safe In The Arms Of Jesus
  • In God’s Care
  • Absent From the Body, Present With the Lord
  • We Love You Always
  • She/He Loved and Was Loved
  • Always In Our Hearts
  • At Rest
  • At Peace
  • Though Gone From Sight To Memory Dear
  • Much Loved
  • Peace At Last

If you have the space, many people add a poem or a bible verse to their loved one’s urn. Here are some common bible verses and a few short poems to give you some ideas.

Bible Verses

  • Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. –Revelations 2:10
  • God is love. -1 John 4:16
  • Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. -Hebrews 11:1
  • To live is Christ, and to die is gain. -Philippians 1:21
  • For by grace, you have been saved through faith. -Ephesians 2:8
  • If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. – 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. –Romans 10:13
  • We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good. –Romans 5:8
  • Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. –John 15:13
  • Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. –John 5:24


Still Loved and Missed

Though absent you are very near

Still loved, still missed, and very dear


Death Cannot Sever

There is a link death cannot sever,

Love and remembrance last forever


Remembered Always

Remembered always with love sincere

Memories keep him/her ever near


You Live On

You still live on in the hearts and minds

Of the loving family you left behind

Unique Urn Engraving Ideas

personalized urns

Now that you know the rules of urn engraving, you can break them. Personalizing your loved one’s urn engraving is a loving way to honor their memory and to help you, and the others left behind to remember them as well. Here are some unique urn engraving ideas.

  • Only use their nickname.
  • Use all of their nicknames.
  • Instead of a traditional sentiment, use one of their favorite quotes or something they said frequently.
  • Engrave song lyrics instead of a poem.

Other Personalized Options

You can also consider a personalized keepsake to remember and honor a loved one.  There are many cremation keepsakes to consider, including glass with ashes, stones, cremation jewelry, and fingerprint jewelry, among others.  See below for some popular options offered by The Living Urn.

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