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Bur Oak:  Memorial Tree & Memory Trees with the Bur Oak

Bur Oak: Memorial Tree & Memory Trees with the Bur Oak

Choosing a Bur Oak for a Memorial Tree

The Bur Oak is an impressive sight to behold. A coarsely textured crown, wild and wooly acorns and a massive trunk with rough and deeply furrowed bark combine to make one mighty tree. Its massive size makes it a great shade tree and a great choice for expansive yards. This majestic beauty is also very long lived and its lifespan can last 200 to 300 years!

Wildlife around Bur Oak Trees 

Bur Oak acorns are at the top of the food preference list for wood ducks, wild turkeys, whitetail deer, rabbits, mice, squirrels and other rodents.

History of the Bur Oak Tree

In the pioneer days on the plains, the Bur Oak came to the rescue of unfortunate travelers who needed new wagon tongues, wheel hubs or spokes.

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