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Planting Ceremonies Involving The Living Urn Are Growing in Popularity

Planting Ceremonies Involving The Living Urn Are Growing in Popularity

The Living Urn® bio urn and planting system has become the leading product of its kind in the U.S. and other countries throughout the world. The reason for this is simple – it works, customer service is top-notch, and you receive everything needed to plant a tree memorial of a loved one. This includes a special BioUrn®, RootProtect™, a soil additive to make the environment with cremated remains suitable for tree growth, a premium growth mix, wood chips, detailed planting instructions, and a tree seedling or baby tree – all packaged in an attractive bamboo urn container.

Many people who purchase a Living Urn hold planting ceremonies, and this is becoming a growing trend. Mark Brewer, the company’s co-founder and President commented, “We have many families who write us about beautiful planting ceremonies that they’ve held and what The Living Urn and the planting ceremony has meant to them. We’ve seen ceremonies with just a one person to having entire communities come out to witness the planting and even participate. These ceremonies are taking place in backyards, at their lost loved one’s favorite vacation spot, golf courses (of course, with permission), cemeteries, hiking trails, at lakes, et cetera. The ceremonies that are taking place are a great way to memorialize a loved one. As more people become aware of The Living Urn and our customer base expands, we expect these planting ceremonies will continue to grow in popularity.”

Kimberly Williams, a Living Urn customer described her experience with The Living Urn and the ceremony that her and her family held and what it meant to her, “My dad passed suddenly last year and we had his ashes in a simple urn supplied by the funeral home.  When we learned about The Living Urn and that we could have a tree memorial, we knew it was the solution to get him off the shelf and perfect for him. We held a planting ceremony in my Mom’s backyard with my Mom, my two sisters and their husbands, and my Dad’s four grandchildren. Everybody was able to participate in the planting, including my three year old nephew. It was a really precious ceremony and to know new life was growing from his memorial was priceless. I was dreading the days leading up to it as I was worried we would all be emotional wrecks. Instead, it was a really happy day that was of course filled with some tears, but mainly joy and reflecting on what a great person Dad was. I can’t say enough about this and am so thankful. We finally have some closure and the tree memorial is beautiful.”

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