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5 Brilliant & Colorful Trees Grown from Tree Burial Pods

5 Brilliant & Colorful Trees Grown from Tree Burial Pods

Trees are beautiful and truly amazing. They display stunning colors and life. They grow and thrive and withstand the elements. They clean the air, providing us with oxygen and taking in carbon dioxide. Trees are also intelligent living organisms that can live for hundreds to thousands of years. The Living Urn’s patented tree pod burial and planting system, or biotree urn, takes our special relationship with trees a step further as it involves planting cremated ashes with the tree memorial. This unique bio urn has quickly become a popular tree memorial option for families all over the world with tens of thousands of memory trees planted. Below we’ve highlighted five of the most popular and colorful trees planted with The Living Urn.

Five of the Most Colorful Trees Planted with The Living Urn’s Tree Pod

tree pod burial

  1. Red Maple

The Red Maple tree displays brilliant color year-round! From its amazing red shoots in the winter, to the beautiful gold and orange autumn foliage and bright green leaves in the spring and summer, it’s truly a sight to see! In addition to its sheer beauty, the Red Maple is one of the hardiest trees available in the U.S. and has one of the broadest growing areas – it can be found as far south as Florida to as far north as Maine!

red maple

The Red Maple is also an intelligent tree, with a highly adaptive root system. Its roots can adjust to most soil conditions and grow more vertical in dry conditions and laterally in wet, soggy soil. In addition, the red maple is fast growing (up to 3 feet per year!). With its fast growth and dense canopy, the Red Maple provides excellent shade and serves as a nice barrier from the hot summer sun.

According to a 2019 survey performed by The Living Urn, the Red Maple is the most popular tree planted with a bio urn in America and the favorite tree memorial of families in 12 U.S. states!

  1. Pink Dogwood

pink dogwood

One of the most popular landscape trees in America, the Pink Dogwood displays stunning color for all to see! This special tree has amazing pink colored flowers with white accents and vibrant red foliage in the Fall. The pink dogwood also produces red glossy fruit that are a favorite of songbirds! This beautiful four-season tree is a great contrast to yards with grass and evergreens.

According to a recent survey by The Living Urn, the Pink Dogwood is the second most popular tree planted with a bio urn in America and the most popular tree planted in 9 U.S. states!

  1. Flowering Cherry

flowering cherry tree

Originating from Japan, the Flowering Cherry tree has become one of the most popular flowering landscape trees in the United States. This stunning flowering tree shows off its vibrant and famous pink and white flowers all Spring!  A common site at the U.S. capital, the flowering cherry also makes for a great shade tree and is a favorite tree planted with The Living Urn in Maryland, New Jersey and Utah and a top five tree in many other states!

  1. Crape Myrtle

crape myrtle tree

The Crape Myrtle is a beautiful tree that, depending on the variety, can display brilliant purple, pink, white, red, or white flowers. It’s a smaller tree compared with others and therefore a great tree for families who have limited space to plant. Given its sheer beauty and smaller size, it is the most popular tree memorial grown in Florida and Louisiana and a top five tree in many other states! In addition, this beautiful tree grows quickly in most conditions and, once established, can be drought tolerant.

  1. Eastern Redbud

redbud tree

The Eastern Redbud Tree displays stunning pink and purple flowers that bloom in the Spring!  In addition, its heart-shaped leaves show amazing red, green and yellow colors throughout the year. Similar to the Crape Myrtle, the Eastern Redbud is also a smaller tree that can fit in areas with limited space. Its branches grow at unique and irregular patterns, making each Eastern Redbud tree highly unique. George Washington wrote multiple times about how beautiful the redbud tree is and moved a series of redbuds from nearby forestland into his garden.

Which Tree Memorial is Right for Me?

In addition to the trees mentioned above, there are many other trees that display beautiful colors throughout the year. This includes the Sugar Maple, Oak, Tuliptree, Weeping Willow, Magnolia, and Sourwood, among others.

There are thousands of tree options to choose from and there is no ‘right’ tree. They are all beautiful in their own special way. The Living Urn offers over fifty trees throughout the U.S., narrowed down by zip code to what grows best in your area. While the Living Urn bio urn and planting system is shipped the day you order, your tree is shipped directly from The Living Urn’s award-winning nursery to your doorstep whenever you are ready to plant. In addition, if the tree you want is not offered by The Living Urn, you can order a Living Urn system only and visit your local nursery to pick up the tree and follow the instructions provided to plant with the urn. You can plant any size tree with The Living Urn and simple and easy to follow instructions are provided with the system on how to plant The Living Urn with the tree you purchase.  

When choosing your tree, it is important to take into account the space you have to plant and how much room the tree requires, the sun/shade requirements of a particular tree and the location you plan to plant, watering requirements, and soil conditions, among other considerations. If you have any questions during this process, don’t hesitate to contact The Living Urn’s Denver-based customer service team at (800) 495-7022.

There is also a Tree Pod for Pets

In addition to the market leading Living Urn for people, there is also a Living Urn bio urn for pets available. With this system, you can grow a beautiful and enduring living tree memorial of your beloved pet!  This special pet bio urn is available online and at various pet cemeteries and crematoriums nationwide.

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