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Spring Has Arrived! Great Time to Grow a Tree Memorial

Spring Has Arrived! Great Time to Grow a Tree Memorial

From April showers to blooming flowers, Spring is a time of growth and change. Trees and flowers will start blossoming as the days get longer and the sun gets warmer. Everything comes alive as rising temperatures return. A popular time for planting due to the warmer temperatures and rain, Spring gives you plenty of reasons to choose it as a time to grow that perfect memorial tree and honor a loved one. A time of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, and regrowth; what better time is there to grow a tree memorial with our bio urn?

Spring is the perfect time of year for planting and, with all of the things this special season represents, there are many ways to celebrate the return of life and memorialize the ones you’ve loved and lost with The Living Urn planting system.

Mark Brewer, co-founder of The Living Urn and company President commented, “Spring is an amazing time of year for trees and plants, and a great time to grow a living memory of a loved one with The Living Urn. It is our most popular season to plant tree memorials and we also hear of many families who take advantage of the warmer temperatures with outdoor planting ceremonies honoring their loved one.”

Spring isn’t all sun and warmth. April showers are a real thing and we all know what that means - nourishment for your tree! Trees need water to grow and if you plant your memorial tree during this period your tree is most likely to get the natural nourishment it needs to thrive.

Memorialize the person or pet you love by planting a tree and use this beautiful season to do it. Taking care of a memorial can be hard work but with The Living Urn and the Spring months, watering of your loved one’s living memorial can be helped by nature. Your loved one was a vital part of your life and they can still be there and honored with a beautiful and thriving memorial. Plant it in March or April and you will be able to see the memorial tree begin its life naturally and healthily as it grows into Summer. Order your BioUrn today and plant right after its arrival to properly memorialize the one you have lost. With their passing they can become a part of the rebirth associated with Spring and give new meaning to the cycle of the seasons.

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