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2023 State Guide to Scattering Ashes - South Carolina Edition

How much does cremation cost in South Carolina: $950

This edition of state guides to scattering ashes focuses on the state of South Carolina. This beautiful state is home to stunning beaches, pristine mountains, and many impressive historical sites!

With the large and growing amount of people in South Carolina electing to be cremated (mainly due to the much lower cost of cremation vs. burial and families that are less traditional), funeral homes within the state and in many of the surrounding states are asked questions each day from families about scattering a loved one’s ashes. Some of the frequently asked questions include if ash scattering is allowed in South Carolina, where in South Carolina can ashes be scattered, and what type of urn they recommend to scatter ashes. In this edition of our state-by-state guides, we provide helpful information to help answer these questions and many others.

What are the Rules for Scattering Ashes in South Carolina?

scattering ashes south carolina

There are no state laws in South Carolina that restrict where you can store or scatter ashes. Cremated ashes can be placed in a grave, crypt, niche, or in an urn. You’re allowed to scatter ashes of a loved one (or pet) throughout the state, however, it’s always a good idea to check with city or county government offices where you plan on scattering to find out if there are any local rules in place.

Where Can I Scatter Ashes in South Carolina?

Many people will scatter a loved one or pet’s ashes at a special place to them or their family, or at a beautiful outdoors location. In addition, many families are electing to hold a service with a scattering. A service can be as formal or as informal as you wish and can happen before, during, or after a loved one’s ashes are scattered. Having a service with a scattering can be a great way to honor them in a unique and special way.

There are many places in South Carolina where cremated ashes are scattered. Below we describe a some of the more common ones.

  • Private Property – In South Carolina, as with most other states, are no laws in place that restrict you from scattering ashes in your yard or on other private property that you own. If you prefer to scatter ashes on private property owned by someone else, be sure to get their permission first.
  • Public Land – In South Carolina, you can scatter cremated ashes on public land, however, be sure to reach out to city or county offices where you plan on scattering to see if any local regulations are in place.
  • National Parks – South Carolina is home to 7 National Parks that attract nearly 2 million visitors each year. Each National Park has its own rules and regulations related to scattering ashes. Therefore, if you plan on scattering at a National Park, be sure to reach out to the park ranger’s office where you’re interested in scattering to find out if it’s permitted and what regulations may be in place.
  • Scattering Gardens – With the increased interest in cremation, many churches and cemeteries throughout South Carolina now have scattering gardens, which are designated areas on their property where families are permitted to scatter the ashes of a loved one. You can most likely find one or more scattering garden options in your area with a quick internet search.
  • At Sea – With nearly three thousand miles of tidal coastline, many South Carolinians feel a connection with the sea and choose to do a water burial. There are a number of boating companies throughout the state that provide water burial (or scattering at sea) services and multiple options can typically be found with a quick internet search. If you’re looking to do this with a loved one’s ashes, it’s good to know that the Clean Water Act states that ashes need to be scattered at least 3 nautical miles away from shore. In addition, the U.S. EPA must be notified about the scattering at sea within 30 days of when it happens.
  • From the Sky – There are no laws in South Carolina, as well as most other states, that restrict families from scattering a loved one’s ashes from an airplane. The cremation process makes ashes harmless to human health and there aren’t any risks if they’re scattered from the sky. Be sure that the urn used to scatter the ashes is held on to – federal law prohibits dropping objects from the sky that can damage property or harm people.

What’s the Best Way to Scatter Ashes in South Carolina?

With the increasing amount of people in South Carolina choosing to have their ashes scattered, many new and uplifting urns and memorials have been introduced that are specifically designed to scatter. Below we provide information on some of the more common urns for scattering offered by funeral homes and cremation service providers in South Carolina and other nearby states.

Eco Water Urn

The patent pending Eco Water Urn was introduced to the market last year and has quickly become a leading water burial urn offered by funeral homes nationwide. This highly unique biodegradable urn floats upright on the water (like a buoy) for up to a few minutes time until the bottom breaks open and gracefully spreads the cremated ashes in the water. The Eco Water Urn arrives packaged in an attractive all-natural bamboo case – this also serves as a great way to securely transport the urn to that special place on the water to scatter.

Eco Scattering Urn

The patented Eco Scattering Urn is a beautiful new urn offering that’s made entirely from bamboo and is designed to scatter. This TSA compliant biodegradable urn is shaped like a tube, which helps people scatter ashes away from themselves. Also, it has a special open and close locking mechanism - this provides people with the ability to safely and securely travel with a loved one’s ashes to that special place to scatter and also gives you the ability to scatter with ease and control.

Scattering Urns Made from Paper

A number of different scattering urns are available that are manufactured from paper. These urns typically have a nature scene or other image printed on the outside of the urn and are designed in a tube-like shape (similar to the Eco Scattering Urns). These urns come in multiple sizes and are typically a lower cost option to other urns on the market. However, they do come with a few drawbacks – the paper urns can be problematic if you’re scattering during a weather event and they require an extra step of gluing part of the urn together while loading the ashes.

The Flow Ice Urn

Flow, the Ice Urn is a beautiful memorial option that was introduced by one of the largest funeral groups in Montreal and is now being made available in select markets throughout the U.S. This highly unique patented urn is produced solely from ice, arguably making it the most eco-friendly urn option available. It floats gracefully on top of the water for some time until the ice begins to melt and the ashes are gracefully scattered in the water.

Multiple Memorials

As the cremation rate continues to rise in South Carolina and in other states throughout the country, many interesting new memorial options have become available. With so many new options, many families are finding it challenging to select a single memorial to honor their loved one, and instead, are electing to separate their loved one’s ashes into multiple memorials. This commonly includes scattering a portion of the cremated ashes at a special place, then using some or all of the ashes that remain to do a living tree burial memorial with The Living Urn, a Living Urn indoors with a bonsai tree or houseplant, including them in a glass decorative piece that displays an array of color, or a piece of jewelry or a stone that can be worn with pride, among many other options.

Learn about unique Cremation Urns in South Carolina

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