World’s Most Popular Tree Memorials
In 2015, The Living Urn was introduced to the world – a patented bio urn and planting system that gives families the ability to plant a tree memorial with their loved one (or pet’s) cremated ashes. In just a few short years, tens of thousands of tree memorials have been planted throughout the world with The Living Urn and it is currently available in 17 countries. As a result of this activity, The Living Urn’s staff and global partners have learned the most popular tree types planted in each region of the globe. This includes the Red Maple, Coral Tree, English Oak, White Birch, and Bottlebrush, among others.
Most Popular Tree Memorials by Region
Below we’ve highlighted the most popular tree memorials planted in each region of the world where The Living Urn is sold (we included the most popular tree, followed by second most popular tree).
- North America: Red Maple, White Oak
- South America: Coal Tree, Jacaranda
- Western Europe: English Oak, European Beech
- Eastern Europe: White Birch, Norway Spruce
- Australia/New Zealand: Bottlebrush, Moreton Bay Fig
About the Most Popular Trees
Red Maple
The Red Maple is the national tree of Canada and a favorite tree planted with The Living Urn in 12 U.S. states. It is a truly remarkable and striking tree that is highly resilient and shows year-round beauty. A great addition to any yard, the red maple can grow and thrive in a variety of soil and climate conditions – as far south as Florida to as far North as the central part of Canada.
White Oak
The White Oak, also referred to as the ‘king of trees’, is a very long-lived tree that’s native to Central and Eastern North America. It is an impressive large-sized shade tree with massive branches that develop wide angles. It can live for centuries and is a great option to plant in memory of a loved one.
Coral Tree
The Cockspur Coral Tree, also known as the ciebo, seibo and bucare, is a flowering tree native to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, however, can also be found in many other Central and South American countries. It is a relatively small tree that displays beautiful bright red flowers. The Coral Tree is resilient and can grow and thrive in a variety of conditions. It is also a favorite tree of hummingbirds!
Jacaranda Tree
The Jacaranda Tree is a beautiful tree native to the tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America. It’s beautiful blooming purple-blue flowers bloom early and are a sign Spring has arrived!
English Oak
The English Oak, commonly referred to as a European Oak or Common Oak, is a medium to large-sized deciduous tree native tree to Europe. It can live for hundreds of years with some instances of it living over 1,500 years. The English Oak displays beautiful yellowish-green flowers and has a thick trunk and large spreading crown.
European Beech
The European Beech, also known as the Common Beech, is a beautiful year-round shade tree that grows in an oval shape with a dense canopy. Its leaves are a dark green in Summer and turn shades of golden bronze in the Fall.
White Birch
The European White Birch, also known as the Silver Birch, is a great landscape tree with amazing colors displayed in the Fall. Its bark is flaky and white, providing an interesting feature to any landscape. In addition to its sheer beauty, it is a unique tree as its roots actually help improve the soil.
Norway Spruce
Native to Europe, the Norway Spruce is a hardy, fast growing evergreen tree (up to 3 feet per year) that can thrive in a variety of conditions. Its leaves are needle-like with blunt tips and this special tree continues to be the Christmas tree of choice for many cities throughout the world.
The Bottlebrush, native to Australia, is a member of the popular Myrtle family and is a small tree that features distinctive and beautiful ‘brush-like’ red flowers in the Spring. It is highly resilient, long-lived tree that can grow and thrive in a variety of landscapes and conditions.
Moreton Bay Fig
The Moreton Bay Fig, or Australian Banyan, is native to Eastern Australia. It is a beautiful fast-growing, large shade tree that can live for well over 100 years.
What is Your Preferred Tree Memorial?
There are thousands of different types of tree, shrub and flower options families can plant with The Living Urn to become a living reminder of a person or pet who passed. Choosing the best tree memorial for you or a loved one (or pet) depends on a number of factors, including where it will be planted (as different trees grow in different climates), how much space you have, and what you want the resulting tree memorial to look like.
The Living Urn offers over fifty different tree options throughout the U.S. and a tailored menu of tree options that will grow best in your area based on your zip code. The Living Urn system is shipped out right away and the tree is delivered directly to your doorstep on the date of your choosing. Alternatively, many families choose to order The Living Urn’s biotree urn and planting system only, which comes with everything you need to grow a living memory tree except for the tree. With this option you can simply visit your local nursery and pick up a tree or plant of choice to plant with The Living Urn. Our clear and easy to follow instructions explain how to plant any size tree you purchase with The Living Urn to grow a beautiful memorial.
In countries outside of the United States, The Living Urn and its partners offer native trees and other options that can grow and thrive in the unique climate and conditions of each country. To find out more about tree options in a specific area, feel free to give our customer service team a call at (800) 495-7022, ext. 0.